MCS-DX RC 3 Instructions: 1. open program :P 2. type in the ip address you want to connect to or leave it blank to search on your lan for another MCS-DX server 3. select the server you want to connect to or press "New' to start one. Known Issues -Canceling at some points can cause it to crash and give you debug info, ignore it! Its just telling you that you disrupted the flow of what ever flows through a program. Change Log MCS-DX Release Candidate 3 (public open beta) -all frmchat msgboxes are now echos -added minimize button to the forms -frmSessions shows in taskbar now -fixed bug where if you showed the form it wouldn't have your nick in the title -made it so it would tell you who kicked you -fixed bug where whois replies showed up in chat -fixed bug where it would crash if you joined a null server MCS-DX Release Candidate 2 (public open beta) -fixed bug where a) the op menu was actually /say b) the op menu would cause directx to crash! this is just how strange computers can be :p -nick list menu updated for new give op and say commands -added give op command -nick list menu updated to ask for a kick reason -you can now give reasons for kicking -on inheriting server it now changes title to display that -fixed bug where you could crash it by not selecting a server and pressing join -made it so you don't have to see others commands -fixed bug where pms couldn't have spaces in them -fixed bug where recieved messages box would scrool to the top when something was echoed -added scroll bar to rcvd msg box -cleaned code; removed skins and old code used for testing -fixed bug where it would crash if you tryed to connect to no server MCS-DX Release Candidate 1 (finally..... public closed beta) -fixed bug where messages disappeared -fixed bug where commands were printed locally in the middle of previous messages -fixed bug where text recieved was grey :/ -added it back to taskbar -removed system tray icon, caused the chat before connect bug and isn't v. compatable with hiding a program Note to non programer people: A Release Candidate is a version of software which is tested and if no serious bugs are found will be released to the public MCS-DX Beta 5 (internal) -added PM-ing to the member list -made it so it ignores any commands it doesn't already have -removed the 3vil features that were in the code (but not active) -added private messaging -added right click menu to member list (whois & kick) -ban code removed, toooooooooo buggy... i probably will never put it back in -fixed bug where commands showed up in chat after processed -added on join whoising in prep for ban code -added tray icon -added hide menu -amped up max players to 1000, note that the program was only tested to a maximum of 10 users but i belive in my code to not randomly crash -only if there arn't any othere servers can the enduser create a new server -moved coder auth to basmain.bas (although it still updates labels on frmchat becuase those labels deserve to stay :P ) -yes this will go public soon, leave my internal-ness alone MCS-DX Beta 4 (internal) -added connections n00b proofing, you can't get the other protocols anymore but they didn't work anyway -added WinNT reconition -removed FrmConnections -added /whois -fixed bug where some malformed chat messages would crash server MCS-DX Beta 3 (internal) -kicking actually makes them leave -added /helpop command -fixed bug where server scanning didn't work -fixed bug where wrong string was used for decided who was kicked -fixed server start message -removed /maxious -fixed bug where anyone could kick MCS-DX Beta 2 (internal) -removed further refrences to DirectChat -changed GUID -added more descriptive error messages -removed rich text chat - colors are pretty but they give me dll hell -first tests of kick command -now allows 100 users -coders get op powers MCS-DX Beta 1 (internal) - random minor bug fixes - added about, it isn't my code so i shouldn't act like it is - added command /maxious , thats one you'll use offen :P Todo this version (mcsdx1) next version (mcsdx2) insult removal anti spam file sending Adding commands... 1. add command to commmand3_click, so it isn't rejected 2. add to DPEvent so it is interpreted 3. if a user command add to nicklist menu Stress Test for RCs (interprated from mozilla tests) These tests are in order of priority 1.Obviously just test it out to check that messages still get through 2. test any new features as non coder 3. test new features as coder 4. test every menu and command